se quando torni in Italia visiterai la provincia di Parma e Piacenza e non mi consulti potrei offendermi ;) Il sito è fatto davvero molto bene :) Me lo guarderò con comodo; potrei trovare qualche spunto per le mie prossime gite fuori porta :)
Thanks for visiting my blog. I have a new one at where you can find a link to my website. I'll be glad to help you find something if you'd like. Take care.
Hi there! So this is my first attempt at blogging...therefore bear with me as I fumble my way through this!! I'm not exactly sure what will be on this blog, but probably some stuff on things Italian going on in my life, as well as a mini-travel series of our trips to Europe, with recommendations for anyone interested. It's my way of trying out some travel writing.
I would love it if you would leave some messages or comments (I think that's what bloggers do, right??)
se quando torni in Italia visiterai la provincia di Parma e Piacenza e non mi consulti potrei offendermi ;)
ReplyDeleteIl sito è fatto davvero molto bene :)
Me lo guarderò con comodo; potrei trovare qualche spunto per le mie prossime gite fuori porta :)
I would love to have some of this items in my kitchen.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog. I have a new one at where you can find a link to my website. I'll be glad to help you find something if you'd like. Take care.