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Monday, August 31, 2009

My First Italian Book!!!

Even though I have spoken Italian all my life, I have NEVER read a real Italian novel before!! I have read my share of magazines (OGGI was always in my home while growing up), children's picture books, and newspaper articles...but I never braved a novel. I always thought that it would be too difficult to sift through all those words that are used in the literary world but not part of everyday vernacular. But, to my surprise, I didn't have that problem when I read VANIGLIA E CIOCCOLATO by Sveva Casati Modignani! It is a light story about a couple's struggle with their marriage and all the impedences they encounter. The 400 or some pages flew by without me even noticing. The language flowed easily and I was reading it with the same fluency that I read English-speaking novels!! This totally thrilled me and made me want for more! So bring it on!!! Any and all suggestions would be appreciated :)

1 comment:

  1. Son contento che tu non abbia avuto difficoltà di lettura con l'italiano "libresco" :)
    Penserò a qualche libro simile ch'io possa aver letto prima di suggerirtene uno :)
